Air conditioning is one of the most important inventions in modern times. It allows us to work, sleep, play and socialize in comfort while also ensuring the safety of people in industrial settings where temperature and humidity control are critical to productivity.

When deciding on which air conditioner to purchase, homeowners should do their homework on energy efficiency ratings and features to determine which option is best for them. Additionally, they should consider how long they plan on living in their home to maximize the value of their investment by maximizing savings from higher-efficiency options. Lastly, they should speak with an HVAC professional to get estimates and recommendations that will provide them with the cooling capacity they need to keep their home comfortable while meeting their budget requirements.

In the days before air conditioning, many homes in warm climates were built with high ceilings to allow hot air to rise and large porches where residents gathered to catch a cool breeze. However, as air conditioning technology advanced, these large porches grew smaller and many families moved indoors to escape the heat.

Modern air conditioners use four different technologies to maintain the comfort level of an indoor space by controlling temperature, moisture, movement and purity of the air. It’s a process known as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).

The first modern AC unit was invented in 1902 by a company owned by Willis Carrier. It was the first of its kind to allow for precise control of indoor air temperature, humidity and movement. The technology eventually helped spur the creation of indoor shopping malls, transatlantic flight and even today’s computer and server farms that power the internet.

Today, there are many air conditioning units to choose from that meet a variety of cooling needs and budgets. Window ACs, for example, are a simple solution that’s easy to install and operate without the need for ductwork. Split wall-mounted AC systems are a more flexible choice that consist of two separate units, one located outdoors and the other indoors. This system provides more flexibility in terms of zoning, but may require more maintenance due to the complex nature of this type of AC.

Ductless AC is another popular and more efficient solution. The indoor unit of these systems rests on the floor and is connected to the outdoor unit through a small hole in the wall. This option is ideal for homes with limited floor space or buildings constructed with fragile materials like glass.

Having the right AC in your home can dramatically increase your quality of life. It can protect you from the health hazards of mold and mildew, provide a healthier indoor environment and reduce allergies and asthma symptoms. It can even lower your utility bills and help to extend the lifespan of your HVAC equipment.

Regardless of which AC system you choose, make sure it’s backed by a reliable warranty to ensure your peace of mind for years to come. An extended warranty can cover repair costs and replacement parts, as well as labor. In addition, look for a brand that offers an ENERGY STAR rating or another quality mark of excellence to help you save on your energy costs.

How Air Conditioning Technology Has Changed Our Lives